Thank you for visiting Quilt Moments’ new blog. I am so excited to be included in Quiltmaker’s fun publication along with so many great designers and thought this hop would be a great incentive for me to finally start a blog and share my quilting adventures. Today I’ll share some ideas on how to use my block and give you a chance to win several goodies including a kit! Keep reading to the end to see what you could win!
I was tickled to find that my block was on the cover of the magazine. If you’re familiar with my designs you know that I love to use large print fabrics in my quilts and often put what I call “4-patch kaleidoscopes” in my block centers. My block is #376, Holiday Splendor. Can you guess from these hints which block is mine?
Well, here it is………
I made the block using the large poinsettia print from Moda’s Jovial collection designed by Basic Grey and combined it with prints from Moda’s Puzzle Pieces blender collection. Let’s play with the block and see how it looks in some other fabric collections.
Here is an image of the block made with Robert Kaufman’s Holiday Flourish 4 line
And here are 9 blocks put together with a border to make a 48” x 48” tabletopper or wallhanging.
The large print shown on the border is what is used for all the 4-patch block centers.
I have many patterns and a book featuring this easy technique which you can see on my website, but
here are the construction highlights:
1) Cut or rip a piece of large print fabric containing at least 4 fabric repeats lengthwise down the middle and save one of these pieces for the wide borders
2) Cut out and layer four identical pieces of the fabric following the design repeat and pin around the perimeter with flathead pins carefully capturing the same motif through all fabric layers
3) Rotary cut strip sets 3-1/2” wide and then sub-cut them into 3-1/2” square sets.
4) Take a square set, and rotate the four identical squares to create a 4-patch kaleidoscope. There are four different rotation options so have fun choosing your favorite look!
Here is an image of the same block made with Monique Dillard’s Memories of Provence collection for Maywood Studio.
Monique is one of the designers in the hop so I thought it would be fun to show her fabric line, plus I’ve created images of several of my quilts using this beautiful fabric line (see What’s New on my website) and wanted to see what it would look like in this block.
See how the quilt changes by simply switching the pink to green:
Have fun choosing a large print to make your own block. Florals work great, but you can also have fun using novelty prints and kids’ prints.
Now for the goodies. Help me start out my first blog entry with a bang and enter to win one of 4 prizes in honor of Volume 4.
The prizes are:
1) Quiltmaker 100 Block Volume 4 magazine
2) My Kaleidoscope Symphony book
3) A Quilt Moments’ pattern of your choice
4) A table/sofarunner Kaleidoscope Symphony kit with the same Moda Jovial fabrics used in my block. See photo below.
So simply leave me a comment by midnight Saturday November 12th with your contact info and you may win one of these prizes! Tell me what pattern you would like to win (you can see all of them on my website), what you like about blogs, what you’re having for dinner and/or whatever you feel like sharing in your comment!
Then remember to visit Quiltmaker and all the other blogs today for more entertainment and chances to win prizes.
Enjoy all your quilt moments!
I love your idea for using large prints in a block. The block you designed is wonderful.
Celebration with Stonehenge really caught my eye, but it was a difficult choice. I had to scroll through the patterns three times!! Enjoyed your post.
Charming Turnover Stars – this pattern calls my name.
Love your magazine block. Congratulations.
What a gorgeous block and some amazing prizes. I have had quite the day…my mother is moving in with us!! i need blogs as a distraction LOL. Thanks for the chance and the distraction. hehehe
Wow, you have a lot of great patterns to choose from. I would like to win the Changing Ways pattern. Also, I adore the Kaleidoscope Symphony runner! I get inspiration from seeing others’ work on their blogs. I’m planning to make Cranberry Chicken in the crock pot for dinner – yum!
Congratultions on your beautiful block. It can be used in sew many colour ways and fabrics and each quilt would be unique! I really like “Check out the Stars” from your patterns. The colurs are “me”. We will be having t-bones and an assortment of vegetables for dinner tonight. Thanks for the chance, Dianne
Welcome to Blogland! I’m sure you will find you LOVE it! Very very cool. Thank you for showing all the different centers from the same fabric. I’ve been inching towards kaleidoscopes but haven’t taken the plunge just yet….. maybe you will convince me to go over the edge….
Beautiful block and so versatile.
What a stunning patternblock! So many possibilities! Love it!
My favourite pattern is turning point. I love the inspiration and the connection to other quilters all over the word in the blogworld.
Tonight we will eat the (famous?) SwissBirchermuesli , a mixture of cereals, joghurt, milk and sesonal fruit (mandalina for today).
Thanks so much for the give away!
I like what you’ve done with your block, especially the table runner. So cute with the little stars
That is beautiful to see the different options using the big prints.
I love your blocks and quilts. I was so excited to hear you speak in Blue Earth that I had to buy a 3 yard piece of beautiful fabric. You Rock! We are also fortunate to be having you come to Mankato for our guild – Yipeeee. Favorite pattern? Is there only one I can choose?
Thanks for all the great give aways! I would love “Step into the ring”. I enjoy seeing what other people are working on, or just getting a glimpse into their lives.
I like many of your quilts, but Ring Toss may be my favorite
I read blogs when I am drinking my morning coffee– I like the pictures of projects, process pictures, tutorials, and so on
Probably spend too much time looking and not enough sewing!
Dinner? Pizza?
Great block and examples. Congrats on having a block in the magazine and on the cover too. Good luck with your blog.
I would have trouble choosing between Tilt-A-Whirl and Changing Ways. Both are fascinating. Congrats on your first blog post. I love blog land for several reasons. Keeping up with designers fabrics and designs, joining quilt/sew alongs and connecting with others, swaps are fun, and I thoroughly enjoy getting to know the person behind the product. I think it makes it more personal for us out here to connect in some way. Have a great weekend.
I like CATCH ME! It is so versatile! Congrats on being on the cover, also. Good luck with your blog. I think you’ll have quite the following in no time!
I like a lot of your patterns, but I’ll pick Check Out The Stars since that’s the one that made me say “that’s the one” first.
I like the inspiration that I get from blogs, lots of ideas and quilters cheering each other on.
Thank you.
My favorite is Turning Point then in second place, Celebration, and in third place, Clare’s Garden. Lovely blocks!
Like all your blocks. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the Keyboard Kaleidoscope. Your fabric choices are really stunning. I love your block and appreciate the tips on cutting the fabric to achieve the design.
Love your block in Vol#4. I am a large print lover too. My fav pattern of yours is Elegance. Although it was hard to pick because they are all wonderful. Thanks!
I think your block is fantastic. I looked over your website and could not decide which pattern I like best — they are all great. I love thte quilt patterns you have published in various magazines — I always look for them. I’m about to hit the road to drive 5 hours to take my son’s school team to a competition, so there will be no quilting for me this weekend! Judy W
I like blogs because they become a part of you and are a source of information about quilts. About dinner -who knows? Could be a batch of homemade hamburger soup. It is cold and nasty weather. I need to start working on a quilt – maybe one from Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks, Volume 4 magazine or from a copy of your Kaleidoscope Symphony Book or a pattern from Quilt Moments (Tilt a Whirl would be nice); even a table/sofa runner from Kaleidoscope Symphony. So many endless posibilities. I really like the Robert Kaufman’s Holiday Flourish 4 Line for the Holiday Splendor for a queen-sized quilt. Thanks for all the wonderful chances to win.
Sandi T.
[email protected]
This is the best quilting blog I’ve ever read. It’s sew good, I dont feel quilty reading it for large blocks of time, working it into the fabric of my life … 🙂
I love your block, and am adding to my “to do” list. My favorite pattern is twilight elegance. I have really enjoyed the blog hop and find the inspiration from visiting the blogs most rewarding. Tonight we are having country ribs on the grill (yum). Thanks for a chance to win.
What an amazing technique! I’m going to get some Christmas fabric and try that out right away! Thanks
I am going to my studio right now and play with my Christmas fabric to create wonderful gift surprises with your technique. Thank you for the inspiration!
I love Kensington Kaleidoscope – and I love your poinsettia block – great technique and super great giveaway!
Your block is beautiful. Most of the kaleidoscope blocks intimidate me but this I know I can do. My favorite pattern I’d love to win is Tilt-A-Whirl. I enjoy reading quilt blogs for all the great quilting tips, free patterns and inspiring pictures. The downside for me is I now spend more time reading quilt blogs than actually quilting. But then reading has always been my favorite thing to do. Thanks for the chance to win. And congrats on your new blog.
Love your block and your other patterns. Really grafeful to have the chance to win one of your books.
Love your block. It is hard to find patterns to use the bigger prints. I usually find fabric I love and then say, what can I do with it. You have a great list of patterns. I really like the metro. My friend and I are trying to do some modern quilts as we usually make traditional. Very pretty.
I think my favorite pattern is Leading Ladies. Your block is beautiful and I really like the quilts you made using it.
Quilt Blogs are fun to read, very inspiring and I like seeing how different fabric choices can change the looks of a quilt.
Dinner tonight is just cheeseburgers..per hubby’s request lol. He isn’t happy without some greasy food in his diet at least once a week. Gotta keep him happy too!
Congratulations on the blog. Your block is wonderful. I loved seeing the whole quilt. You have so many wonderful patterns that it would be hard to choose, but Elegance called my name. I get inspired looking at blogs. Dinner tonight??? It’s only 9:00 am no plan yet! thanks for the chances to win!
I am liking the Tilt-A-Whirl pattern the best!
I love blogs because they have tons of inspiration and often motivate me to just quilt! 🙂
Dinner tonight is just simple Baked Taters. I am having to eat bland food most of the time due to stomach troubles.
What an interesting concept with the block — make kaleidoscopes in the center. I’m liking it very much because it makes each block more unique! It seems intimidating to me though.
Oh my goodness.. what a wonderful block my head is churning with ideas… bookmarked your blog.., can’t wait to follow you.
I love your block. Congratulations on getting chosen for the magazine. I really like your Trellis Garden pattern. Thanks for the drawing opportunities!!
Love your Kaleidoscope block! I really like Elegance and Keyboard Kaleidoscope. We’re having pasta for dinner tonight–swim meet tomorrow. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thank You for the inspiration for the large prints. They are ususally intimidating. I really liked Blossom Bliss. By the way we are having Spaghetti Dinner with our church youth group tonight. Yum!
I love your block and can see alot of fussy cut being done to do this block! Lots of ideas running through my head as I look at it and I am having Cabbage carrots potatoes and Ham for lunch today cooked in crockpot so that I can get my bloging done first! Thank You Deb
I am in love with Monique’s fabric and so thrilled to see it used so beautifully in your block. Your talent is amazing and to see how you figure out how to do your creative block centers. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Great pattern! I visited your website and perused the patterns. I loved the Twilight Kalaidescope the best – the colors just jumped off the page!! My next favorite was Keyboard Kalaidescope.
I love your blocks. I especially like your Ring Toss pattern on your website. I love to see tutorials on peoples’ blogs. It’s very helpful to see how other people do things. I always learn new things.
Your “4-patch kaleidoscopes” idea quite attractive and gives me ideas for some of our community quilts.
Congrats on being in the magazine. I love your block. Thank you for the fantastic giveaway. I’ll be dreaming about winning while fixing Spaghetti and Meatballs tonight. Hugs
What a neat block. Thanks for showing it done in a quilt. All are so pretty.
I looked through all your patterns and Tilt A Whirl speaks to me.
congrats on having your block in the magazine. You are very creative.
Tonight I am attending a cover dish bon fire with some friends from church.
Love the way you used Moda’s jovial print. Would love to receive one of the Jovials quilts. You did a great job.
WOW! I have fallen in love with all of your patterns and signed up to follow your blog. I would love to win the Elegance pattern. Thank you for the opportunity.
I like large prints so your use of them is just perfect – thanks!
We’re having sausages, mash and onion gravy for dinner!!
I like the Keyboard Kaleidoscope pattern. I like to read blogs to help teach me to be better at what I am trying to do, plus I love to follow what others are doing, cabbage soup for supper! Thanks
Love the block that is in the magazine. Had a hard time deciding which pattern I liked best. I think Changing Ways. Too many great one’s to make an easy decision. Hope I am lucky and win the new magazine.
Everything is stunning, so I’d be happy to win any of the above! If I had to choose a pattern, I think it would be Catch Me…but I want to have that cute house border fabric too! (or simply know where to find it!) I love block, and your new blog!
I like the Tilt a Whirl pattern–would love to win it. As for the blogs, I like seeing what designers are creating and what techniques I might learn about. I’ve seen the technique of 4 pieces done kaleidoscope style, but I’ve not done this yet–it’s on my “to do” list (bucket list?) for quilting! Thanks for the opportunity to win a pattern–Your quilts are gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing the block in all the different colorways. I like the Poinsettia blocks. The four patch in the center looks so different in each block. I am not fussy but the Magazine is top of my list. Dinner- what’s that? I’m Blog hopping and day dreaming of my next quilt…
I LOVE your Turning Point pattern– although all your patterns are beautiful- it was hard to choose! I enjoy blog tours so much because I end up visiting blogs that otherwise I may never have stumbled upon… There are SO many super friendly and SUPER talented people out there!!! One of the best things about the internet is that it allows me to meet all these incredible people!! 🙂 Hmmm… dinner today… not sure. Today is my husband’s birthday, so it’s his choice! Most likely — steak or seafood! 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us!!! Keeping my fingers AND toes crossed!
You have some awesome patterns. I love Charming Turnover Stars! Thanks for sharing.
What do I love about quilt blogs? The inspiration, sense of community, and chance to take a moment to focus on creating, right in the middle of the day or night.
i love quilt blogs because of the creative jumpstart they give me, and all the great tips, hints, and techniques.
Love Tilt a Whirl – what fun. Dinner? no clue -will decide on the drive home. Love blogs for inspiration and escape!
What a great block! Love all the wonderful interpertations of quilts the bloggers come up with.
Love all your patterns but particularly like Among the Stars
You have some fantastic patterns. Catch Me caught my eye because of the possibilities of the centers.
I enjoy blogs very much and have “blog met” some of my best friends! It is fun to do exchanges through blogging as well. What’s for dinner….well, it is chilly here today and I’ve got a big batch of beans cooking on the stove. 🙂
All your patterns are great, but I really like the Kensington Kalideoscope. Dinner? Who knows. Whatever jumps out of the freezer, LOL!
great job on the block and on the post. sometimes taking the block to the next level can inspire others to do the same. I love spinning 4 patch in the middle. cw
You have some great patterns! I’m drawn to Changing Ways. I love reading blogs. They are so full of inspiration, tips, patterns and support! I enjoy “meeting” the bloggers and being a part of their lives.
Elegence looks great to be. Although it’s a hard choice….Belle is running a close 2nd.
What a gorgeous block. I love kaleidoscope patterns and your website has so many wonderful patterns. If I were to be lucky enough to win your drawing, I’d love to have the Twilight Kaleidoscope pattern. It is spectacular!
Linda in Southern Illinois
Marilyn, I’m going to try this technique today! I really appreciate seeing all the different fabric choices with the block – really shows how versitle the block is!
Very nice block. Thank you for the chance to win.
So pretty! I love all of your patterns, but your Petal Paradise is my favorite.
Hi! You like kaleidoscopes too, you have fabric fun with them! I like Check Out The Stars amongst many of your quilts and I do like the block in Volume four, congratulations! I would like to learn to fool around with fabric like that. Have you seen the little game machine called Ninetendo DSi. It has a feature which allows you to take a photograph and distort it with various lens to make endless varieties of kaleidoscopes. I wonder if a picture of fabric could be played with on this little contraption. I have one but have not thought of it until now. I have made interesting patterns with any old picture and it can keep me amused for hours. Perhaps you use a mirror to get a sense of what the outcome will be? Dinner was homemade Chicken Soup with toasted and cheese. My Hubby likes a simple meal at night.
Welcome to blog world. How fun to have a giveaway on day one! You are already a rock star! Can’t wait to see that block book!
Very nice kick-off to your blog – I’m subscribed. Your block is absolutely beautiful, and I love Moda’s Jovial collection!! Thanks for sharing some ideas of how it looks in different fabric lines – very fun. I love every one of your patterns, but I have a special fondness for that table runner from your book! BTW, I also enjoyed reading what everyone’s having for supper – It’s making me hungry 🙂
Wow! What a great block. It look so different as you change the colors.
What a great block! Love the setting and the colors! My favorite pattern is your Kaleidoscope QM105 Queen setting and the Tilt a Whirl!! Beautiful!!
OMG! That block is SO pretty
Love the way you twist and turn the large prints to create such movement within the quilt. I really like the keyboard kaleidoscope and check out the stars really grabbed at me!!
What a wonderful block and love it with the christmas fabrics.
I like the tilt a wheel quilt, have seen people making those lately and it looks fun.
I like Catch Me from your site. Probably because I’m am ready to sew for the Holidays. I love your block. It looks great in all versions.
I love the Kaleidoscope patterns best. All of your patterns are just precious!
I was really drawn to the Leading Ladies pattern. I really can’t tell you just why but it reached out and grabbed me. I like going on blog trips for several reasons, it’s cheaper than gas, it’s fun to see what other’s are doing, and learning new techniques. My pen is running out of ink and irritating me!
I just made my first Kaleidoscope quilt blocks a few months ago, using a very unique piece of fabric that I won at a quilt guild meeting – using the kaleidoscope technique made a much nicer block than just a snowball block would have. I love the different variations that you have included in this post.
I checked out your patterns and a few caught my eye – how do you choose just one…. and then I saw Leading Ladies and I knew that was the one!
I love reading quilty blogs for inspiration! I have tried new techniques as a result of having read about them on a blog, so I guess that makes them educational too!
And, finally, I am going to cook up some butternut squash and apple soup for supper – and maybe add some salmon skewers on the side. Then I am going to take my hubby Christmas shopping!
Your block is lovely and the poinsetta quilt layout is wonderful but WOW I just looked at all your other patterns & I’m almost speechless. You are a great designer. Had trouble picking my favorite but Leading Ladies won. I have some beautiful big flower prints that would be perfect for it. And I’m a tablerunner nut I love that too. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I really like the Keyboard Kaleidoscope pattern.
I never know what to do with big prints and I have a few I’ve been saving that would work for this.
Hmm, I’ll share that I have a Great Dane who has NO interest whatsoever in my quilting!
I like your Check Out the Stars pattern. I made a large pot of chicken/noodle/vegetable soup for our dinner tonight. It’s been a cold and nasty day here in Central PA. We’ve had rain, sleet, and snow off and on all day. This evening we’ll be going over to our son and daughter-in-law’s to celebrate our granddaughter’s 5th birthday. So dessert will be birthday cake and ice cream.
I’d like to try that Ring Toss. I’m making soup while I visit these blogs this week. The slow cooker has helped me have time to jump around here, too.
I love the effect your fussy cutting makes in the centers of the blocks! Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love the tilt a whirl pattern! It reminds me of the carnival ride! It’s one of my favorites! I really like your quilt block too! Thank you for the chance to win!
Your block’s magnificent!!!!, I’m afraid I’m going to make it real soon…, I’m easy pie, would love to have all your patterns, I visited you and they’re gorgeous…, please pick me, I’d die and gone to heaven with your prizies, and I’ll be jumping all around, lol
Wonderful block! I really like the ones that feature the larger print fabrics that I just can’t walk away from in the LQS ;o). Thanks for the chance to win.
All your patterns are lovely– it’s so hard to choose just one. But I guess I would have to say Check Out the Stars grabbed my attention.
What a lot of great quilt designs. I would choose Blossom Bliss, If was so fortunate as to win. You’ll have to total up the results. The block for the book is very versatile. I like all your variations.
What an awesome prize! It was very hard to decide between all the wonderful choices. I finally narrowed it down to Check Out the Stars with Tilt-A-Whirl coming in next. Your quilts are very lovely.
Good luck with your new blog.
Oops! I got so excited about the quilt designs that I forgot to finish. I love all the great ideas and news about the latest in the quilt world that I learn on blogs. I also enjoy getting to know the folks who blog. Some of them feel like friends and I’ve never met them!
Tonight for dinner we’re going to visit my daughter who goes to college about an hour away and take her out to celebrate her passing a test she has to take to become a teacher. Yea!
Such fantastic patterns! I like the Keyboard Kaleidescope Pattern. I have some prints in my stash that would make a great quilt with this pattern. I really like the Christmas quilt in your blog. It is just beautiful.
i like the Kaleidoscope Symphony and am having chicken for dinner – it is cold and i’m making soup – as i sew
I love the kaleidoscope part of the middle of your block…adds a fun design element to the whole.
Congrats for having your block be included in the magazine.
Nice!! I am feeling lucky.
Elegance or Metro. Can’t decide.
Supper it’s Friday, right? We have a tradition my husband cooks tonight. That means pizza. Boy do I love pizza night!!!
I love your block and my favorite colour combination (probably because of the season) is the Christmas fabrics.
I really like this blog hop as it has made me discover lots of new interesting blogs that I’ll want to visit again.
You have got lots of beautiful patterns on your website. Congratulations! I like how you present them in different colourways as well as they look so different. Difficult to pick ONE favorite, maybe Elegance?
I love your block. It’s amazing how different it can look in different fabrics. I loved the green version of the Monique Dillard fabrics.
Pretty exciting first post!!
Oh I didn’t know you did such fun stuff with 4-patch Kaleidescope blocks. I’m currently doing one and I’ve already lost interest. But with one of your patterns, like the Keyboard Kaleidescope, that would make it fun. Congrats on being selected in the 100 blocks.
What a great idea. I love your block.
I love your Kaleidoscope Symphony book and the Tilt a Whirl….they would have to be my faves…..I have some kaleidoscope blocks and just don’t now how to set them! This would be perfect! I love blogging as you learn soooo much from so many talented people you wouldn’t ordinarily have access to.
thanks for the chance to win
Sugary hugs
Wendy :O)
Beautiful Block! Check Out the Stars is the pattern I would like to win. Blogs are a great source of inspiration. Pizza for dinner, more time to quilt!
What a beautiful block you designed for the 100 Blocks magazine. As you directed, I visited your website and discovered that I love the QM118 Leading Ladies pattern. Thank you for the great giveaway. Kd ~
AMAZING! How in the world did you ever come up with the Kaleidoscope idea? I checked out all your patterns – you have so many, many wonderful ones. Celebrating Stonehedge, Kaleidoscope Garden, Ring Toss, and Leading Ladies were all wonderful though it’s a tie between Ring Toss and Leading Ladies. Blogs are giving me so much fun and information – loving them. Leftovers for supper…they are better the second day. 🙂
Love your block. Congratulations on making the cover. The treatment with the kaleidoscope center block is great.
I like the Kensington Kaleidoscope pattern. Your block is beautiful. Blogs are interesting and informative. Thanks for the chance to win all the great prizes.
a happy holidy block! holiday splender is very versitile and builds beautiful quilts. have looked at your quilts, all lovely, particularly
QM109N Celebration with Stonehenge.
i do spend time blog browsing, for ideas, tips, entertainment, and the bloggers sharing of themselves.
thanx for the opportunity to win a copy of this edition of 100 blocks and your book, pattern, and kit!
Your block is so beautiful and the quilts, awesome!!! Thank you for the great instructions too.
Really liked the Trellis Garden pattern, it was hard to choose as I liked a bunch of them. I love blogging, have one but spend way too much time reading all the great quilting ones from all over the world. Thanks for the chance and great instructions.
Love your block and all the options you show with the different fabrics. I love blogs, so nice to get inspiration from others. I love all your patterns but really love the charming turnover stars. Thanks for the chance to win all these neat prizes.
Tilt-A-Whirl is my favorite pattern. I think it shows alot of energy! Your block for the magazine is beautiful. I love what you do with large prints, what a great idea! thank you for explaining your technique.
Very pretty! I’d choose Candy Jar. Thanks for the giveaway!
I adore kaleidoscope quilts. My favourite pattern is your Keyboard Kaleidoscope. And your block for the magazine is fantastic. It would make such a beautiful Christmas quilt. Thanks for a chance to win.
It was hard to pick a favorite pattern. Every time I picked one, then I’d find another one that I liked even more. So I guess I’ll go with Belle Kaleidoscope. I love blogs but I spend way too much time reading them! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love your block! BTW, we had left overs for dinner. lol
Congratulations on a great block! I love the Tilt a Whirl – hard to pick as I had many i really liked! thanks for the lovely giveaways!
Oh, I like your block and your 4 patch kaleidoscope technique! If I won, I wouldn’t be picky about which prize it was. 🙂
jillquilts at gmail dot com
I’m so glad you are in this blog hop. I have a number of fabrics just waiting to be cut up for kaleidoscope quilts. Your ideas are just wonderful. I especially like the pattern Elegance.
Thank you, too, for showing different fabric combinations, for it changes the look so much!
The idea of a kalidescope of 4 identical images is intriguing. I may have one of your patterns from several years ago. I would choose Changing Times (? I’m so bedazzled by all of them, I’ve forgotten the name). I have some of Kaufman’s Holiday Flourish, and I can tell you–whatever I make out of that fabric is mine, mine, mine. I’m not sharing. And I had peanut butter toast for dinner.
What a gorgeous block. I’m new to quilting and I like how your quilt looks using big prints. I’ll give this a try for sure. Congrats on having your block in Quiltmaker 100 and being on the cover as well. Thanks for the giveaway and the great extras as well.
Opps. forgot to mention if I’m the lucky winner I’d love to have either Ring Toss or Kensington Kaleidoscope. Can’t choose. lol. Thanks again.
Your block is stunning. WOW !! Just beautiful. I have not sewn alot with big prints but seeing your block and quilts I’m going to put it on the to-do list.
Thank you for being so generous and adding to the giveaway of Quiltmaker 100. I’ve already won a copy of the magazine on Wednesday so could you please just include me in your giveaway so someone else can win a copy. Thanks again.
Love the kaleidoscope effect and would like to explore more of it. Kaleidoscope Symphony looks like a great way to do that. I like blogs to get to know the authors and I enjoy the wealth of knowledge you all share ~ many thanks.
Dinner is left-overs (easy for more computer time!)
Your patterns are fabulous. I look forward to trying them soon.
Really enjoyed looking at the kaleidoscope effect! Beautiful block.
Your patterns are amazing – it was a tough choice to pick just one – but it would have to be:
QM125 Belle Kaleidoscope
wicked cool pattern!!!!
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
Ring toss, it’s so cool. what I like about blogs is so many people do great tutorials and I can learn more about quilting, of course! We had steak for dinner. Thank you for the chance to enter your drawing!
i appreciate your creativity
OH MY GOSH! First, I love the block you’ve created for the 100 Blocks Vol 4. It’s such a great block and I love that it utilizes large prints.
I checked out your patterns and am THRILLED! I have the fabric (2 different fabric groupings actually) to make my husband a quilt and since I was so new to quilting when I bought them, I had no idea what I was buying was going to be very hard to use. ALL the fabrics I bought are large prints so I was disappointed in realizing after help from two quilters to find I couldn’t use any of that in the patterns I was looking at. And now that I’ve completed my first beginners quilt piecing class in the past two months I’m ready to go since that was the final step to me feeling more secure. I love blogs because for the past two years I’ve been reading all I could find about quilting and how to do things the correct way and quilt bloggers are SUPER helpful in wanting to share that info. I just felt a bit insecure and wanted some hands on help/teaching though since I am a visual learner.
NOW I’m super excited for this blog tour for the 100 Blocks Vol 4 because I found YOU now. It appears to me (unless I’m wrong) that many of your quilt patterns will work for these large print fabrics I have sitting here. YAY!
I love all of these and in all honesty, I stopped scrolling down the page because I already had such a list from the top through all these. LOL I’m sure there are others that I would love.
QM102 Keyboard Kaleidoscope
QM103 Tilt-A-Whirl
QM112 Metro
Sorry this got long but I got so excited to see patterns that will possibly utilize all these fabrics so I can finally make one or both of the quilts using all these fabrics.
Your block is beautiful! Thanks for sharing all the different ways to make it work. I love what you have done. Congrats on being in the 100 Block issue.
What a terrific and fun technique that you have created with the floral fabric. I love the poinsettia version as they are one of my favorite flowers- they happen to be my wedding flower too.
Thanks for sharing your block and how you made it.
I love blogs and blogging because it helps me be connected with quilters from all over the globe. I love reading other’s stories and seeing what things they are creating- I have learned lots from other quilters too.
warmest regards,
Regards from western Canada,
Kensington Kalidescope — that one is yummy!
dinner was a sandwich and soup
I spent the evening quilting and watching tv
perfect evening!
I love Elegance, we had Yoshida chicken on rice, I worked on my quilt for World of Charity Stitching for Ronald McDonald House, and I had ice cream!!!!
I like them all…but would choose Candy Jar! What a beautiful block – I love how you use large prints in the middle!! And we had pizza for supper! Thanks for a great giveaway! All the prizes are fabulous! Thanks for a chance to win! 🙂
Your block is beautiful. It always amazes me how using a different fabric can change the whole look of a block. The pattern I would choose is Twilight Kaleidoscope. I really like reading quilting blogs because everyone seems to be so nice and I want to meet them in person. For dinner tonight I made a pasta dish that I put together from looking at different recipes and changed it to suit our taste.
I love your pattern Celebration with Stonehenge the colors are bold and beautiful, this is a pattern I would like. Your patterns are imaginative and clever. We had taco salad for dinner. I have been making signs for my “Holiday House” Boutique that I am having this year, quilts, crafts, jewely, and fun. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Elizabeth
I really like Leading Ladies. As for dinner, I had a salad with roasted turkey and french dressing for dinner. I love seeing what other quilters are making–the designs, color palettes, fabrics, tools, and quilting motifs–lots of inspiration out there.
Congrats on making it to the cover!
Love all the different looks with different fabrics 😀
WOW! All your patterns are lovely, I love the
QM112 Metro
QM125 Belle Kaleidoscope
QM121 Elegance
QM115 Charming Turnover Stars 😀
Thanks for the chance!
Your patterns are lovely. I really like the QM109N Celebration with Stonehenge and Kaleidoscope Symphony Runner.
Your pattern, Keyboard Kaleidoscope, jumped out at me right away. I need it. I love blogs to see what’s new, follow my favorite designers, and to learn new techniques. Dinner – sorry to admit it, but I was Shop Hopping all day, eating yogurt and fruit as I traveled, so I bought a peanut butter chocolate cupcake for dinner! It was delicious.
What a great block! Love the setting and the colors! My favorite pattern is Check Out the Stars.
Thanks for a chance to win!
Beautiful, and so versitile!!
Lovely block! My favorite pattern from your website is Clare’s Garden…can definitely see it in reproduction prints (I’m a fan of Jo Morton’s fabrics)….
Very nice block! It’s so much fun to see how the block comes together using a big print. If I were to win one of your patterns, my favorites are Belle Kaleidoscope and Trellis Garden. Quilt blogs are fun to read because it keeps us informed on what everyone is working on and provides a lot of inspiration.
celebration is my favorite. but they are all very pretty!
Very pretty block! I would love a copy of your Ring Toss pattern. What a big give away. I would love to win your book!
Love your inovative way with 4 patch kaliscope! Very interesting how you use same pattern and change fabric for a totally new look. If I get to choose a pattern from your web site, I would like either QM115 (Turnover stars) or QM103 (Tiltawhirl-really called to me to get the scraps out!) Best of everything in your future career in quilting!
I would choose the Tilt-A-Whirl pattern. It depicts my life right now. Love your techniques. I enjoy quilting blogs, they offer inspiration and provide new styles and techniques for all of us to try. Congratulations on being published.
What a beautiful block and I absolutely love your tablerunner! Congrats and thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
Your block is beautiful and all of the patterns are nice but I really like the “Leading Ladies.”
Pattern: Elegance. Blogs: quilting tutorials, inspiration, techniques, giveaways. Dinner: Redfish, hushpuppies, cinnamon sweet potatoes, yellow squash, and chocolate chip cookies. Congratulations on being published in QM 100 Blocks v4! Your block is lovely.
Love your block and the chance to showcase your favourite fabric in the centre. My favourite pattern would have to be QM121 Elegance where you can still showcase your favourite fabric. I love all the inspiration blogs provide and the chance to chat to many different bloggers from everywhere.. Dinner tonight Well I think it might have to be home made Pizza. We have not have that for ages Exams are over and it would make a great treat.
Pretty block! Love the different varieties with the quilts. Blogs are fun, I learn a lot of interesting things and get new ideas. Skipped dinner tonight, to many things to do. Thanks for a chance to win!
I love the different versions of this block. Very very beautiful
Love your fabulous block and the wonderful fabric. What fun to see the the different looks for the same block.
I love the versatility of your block. I’ll have to refill my coffee and look around your website some more! Congrats on being included in the issue. I love to read blogs for the connection factor. Whether we live in the city, country, and in different countries, we are all finding the quilty connection between us all.
Your block is awesome! I love Kensington, (and Turning Point, and Trellis Garden, and Leading Ladies lol), Thanks for the inspiration!
I missed the opportunity to win, but you’re going to love to blog. It does seem a bit overwhelming…and I do believe it can be…but when I started just over a year ago I said only once a week…I’m up to three posts a week right now (wink)! Like your Holiday Splendor design; must say I’m partial to it done with Monique Dillard’s collection. We had barbecue pork sandwiches that night! Enjoy blogging. Sandi
I have enjoyed your patterns for a while and I’m just finishing your Petal Paradise pattern. It’s just beautiful. Thank you Linda M.
The Twister designs (Lil’ and Twister) are so clever and creative.
I have made a couple of the Twisters for table tops and the possibilities seem endless, as you have shown. Thank you.
I’m crazy about Kaleidoscope designs. Each one is so unique.
I especially like QM 109N “Celebration With Stonhenge”
QM 129 “Entwined” is another favourite. It has a Celtic feel to it.
Thanks for sharing.
I have your website in my favourites. I will be back!
Love your work. I love making One Block Wonders, so your kaleidoscopes really speak to me!!
I have made several twister patterns including the witch, tree, pumpkin, heart, farm tractor and loved doing them. Haven’t tried the illusions yet but plan to. They are just amazing!
I love all of the quilts and tablerunners you have shown. I love the colors also. I have made a square dance wall hanging and a queen sized bed quilt.
Love your Lady of the Lake Cats, as I am a cat lover.
They are so imaginative & colors are great.
My favorite season is fall with all the beautiful leaf colors. My late husband & I married in Oct. 1962 & went to Smokies lots of years for anniversaries.
I love your idea of making kaleidescope centers for blocks — and the individual blocks using the Twister tool is really cool also!
I like your block a lot
i really like your block. Congratulations!
I love them all but I guess my favorite block is Kaleidoscope Star #664
I have just finished a set of placemats using the Lil’ Twister tool designed for 3 1/2 inch squares….am looking forward to trying the larger one now……
Twilight Kaleidoscope is beautiful. I really am intrigued by all of them!
My bus stops at METRO! I love how the eye is drawn from pattern to pattern.
I like the Kaleidoscope table runner. Looking forward to making it.
So many beautiful patterns! I think the one I’d like to win would be Keyboard Kaleidoscope
I love the big bold prints but don’t know how to use them. Thanks to your block submitted to Quiltmaker, I think now I can make a quilt out of them. Thanks for the ideas.
I love your kaleidoscope designs. I am they to quilting and would love tot try it!
I would love to win the Garden Trellis pattern. I like making the four patch kaleidoscope blocks. You have so many ideas as how to set them.
I would love to make the Elegance pattern. It is very stunning!
What’s up all, here every person is sharing these kinds of know-how, thus it’s good to read this
weblog, and I used to go to see this weblog everyday.
I have made several kaleidoscope quilts, but I sure like yours. Isn’t amazing how different each block turns out. I especially like the fabric from Timeless Treasures for the Garden Trellis pattern. Thanks for your wonderful ideas.
I would love to win this magazine.
I love the colors and fabric placement. Beautiful quilt.
wow, what an opportunity, CB
Midnight blue is so perfect for my daughter , it’s all her favorite colors ?
Like the Little Twister block. I have the template but have not made it yet.
I won this kit I would make it and it would be mine!
I love the colors in the midnight blue quilt, if I won I would keep this one for me!
Love your quilts!!! I am going to join your blog
I love all the TImeless Treasures fabrics, but these blues are calling me!! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing it with us!!
Love all your quilts and your blog. Always have been drawn by “Kaleidoscope” idea. It’s on my “gonna try this someday” list. This would be a great chance since I love, love, love this quilt and the colours are sew perect
I love all of quilts and would love to any one of them or even the magazine! Thanks for the offer and many ideas on your blog.
This beautiful blue quilt reminds me of a set of antique pictures of the Blue Danube that always hung in my grandmother’s sitting parlor. A chance to win this would give me an opportunity to create beautiful memories of that sweet time from my childhood. Thanks for the opportunity.
I have just started quilting and am in the process of making my third quilt. Your quilt is just beautiful and I would love the challenge of making it soon.
I am a new quilter have two quilts under my belt. pretty big belt lol I love the midnight blues and all your quilts look like I could understand and complete but the colors in midnight blues are awesome , I would love to win this kit
These quilts look fantastic, and I hope to try some of these techniques.
The quilt in the midnight blues is awesome. Those are definitely my colors!
The quilt is just my color scheme. And I love the other quilts and the way the designs have been cut to create another motif! I’m hooked.
Love this quilt. The colors just pop.
Hoping this is the place to comment on the wonderful Blue fabric line shown in the cover shoot for Quiltmaker Magazine. The kit for a queen bed quilt would be dreamy for anyone. Learning a new method of kaleidoscope with lg prints is another must do. a 4 patch instead of 8 must be easier to match up. wow ty for the opportunity
Would live to win the quilt kit, blue is my fav color and this quilt is stunning
Nice giveaway!
I love your quilt! I haven’t done a kaleidoscope quilt yet, but it is on my bucket list. Thanks for all the inspiration.
Your designs are gorgeous! I especially like your Midnight Blue quilt. I have my fingers crossed :-)!!
I love your Kaleidoscope patterns. Large prints sometimes get boring because you just cut big blocks. The added interest with this design is great!
Your blocks are amazing!
Midnight Blues is absolutely beautiful. I especially enjoy blue quilts so this really caught my attention. I am hoping to try the kaleidoscope technique soon. I am obsessed with everything “quilting” so I’m glad to find you and what you have to offer the quilting world. Thanks!